August 17, 2021 5 min read

Being in your best shape is a common goal for many people. You want to feel confident and strong while being open to learning proper fitness techniques. But rumors and fibs spread faster than ever, convincing even the most experienced fitness aficionados that a lie is true.

It is vital to know the difference between the truth behind exercise and trends that are merely backed by the internet. So, shake up that chocolate protein smoothie and give yourself a big stretch because we’re about to dive into some common fitness myths you should know about.

Myth #1: Spot Reduction Is Possible

A classic myth in fitness is spot reduction in your body. This is the belief that you can quickly lose fat in a specific area simply by spot training the muscles in that part of your body. Even though many videos, articles, and even certified trainers continue to preach spot reduction, sports science has come forward numerous times, claiming it as a lie. Believers in this method trick audiences by using specific buzz terms such as:

  • “Muffin Top”
  • “Spare Tires”
  • “Batwings”
  • “Saddlebags”

These are just a few examples of buzzwords that online personals use to promote their routines and programs to gain revenue.

Weight loss all comes down to genetics, hormones, sex, body type, body composition, diet, and other factors. The truth is that fat does get released from fat cells for energy, but exercise burns calories. So, replacing specific body part exercises with compound exercises, focusing on consistency, and reevaluating your mindset when it comes to efficient fat reduction are the best methods to reach your fitness goals.

Myth #2: Deadlifts Hurt Your Back

When it comes to lifting weights, some people believe that powerlifters are the only ones able to deadlift successfully. It is true that deadlifts could hurt your back if you are unfamiliar with the exercise or do not use the proper form. This belief that deadlifts are dangerous was also further pushed by the media, friends and family, and even a few fitness professionals. However, this isn't always the case. The only way you can injure your back is through improper form and incorrect execution. When done correctly, deadlifts can:

  • Build full-body power and strength
  • Teach efficient movement through the hips
  • Build lean muscle mass

Deadlifts engage a hip hinge and offer numerous variations that don't require lifting a bar from the floor. Dumbbells and kettlebells are competent alternatives for deadlift executions. Deadlifts help increase lower back strength and can help reduce pain. So, if you’re interested in trying deadlifts, ask an experienced friend or trainer to guide and assist you.

Myth #3: You Can Overeat Protein

A common misconception when it comes to fitness involves the overconsumption of protein. The rumor goes that if you can consume more than 30 grams of protein at a time, your body won’t be able to process the excess protein, thus causing it to go to waste. This isn't how our bodies work, however. Studies suggest that you can consume more than 30 grams—or even over 40 grams—of protein with no problems.

The human body doesn’t let the protein energy go to waste but depends on protein synthesis and protein breakdown. So, don't skip out on the protein! If you’re trying to put on potential muscle gains, eating roughly 0.80 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight is ideal. Eating more protein (i.e., 1 gram of protein per pound) is even suggested for those who want more muscular gains.

Myth #4: Lifting Makes You Bulky

For women who are considering exercise, a common fear is becoming bulky when they start weight training. However, the belief that you will become excessively bulky is far from the truth. Heavy lifting promotes muscular hypertrophy, thus leading to a size increase. With weight training, it takes months, if not years, to gain size in muscle mass. It takes consistency, dedication, and effort. Women’s bodies don’t produce enough testosterone, nor do they consume as much food as men do when gaining muscle, so becoming “bulky” shouldn’t be a concern. Lifting weight can:

  • Improve bone density
  • Aid in weight loss
  • Reduce chronic disease risk
  • Benefit mental health
  • Improve mobility and flexibility
  • Increase confidence and strength

Myth #5: 30 Minute Anabolic Windows Are a Must

It's believed that if regular gym-goers do not consume protein within thirty minutes of their exercise ending, they will waste their muscular gains. This couldn't be further from the truth.

Eating a later post-workout meal won't hinder your muscle growth. Eat when it is convenient for you, and don’t stress about forgetting your protein at home. If you consume the necessary protein you need throughout the day, you'll retain the gains you achieved.

Myth #6: Gym Workouts Are the Only Option

When it comes to understanding common fitness myths you should know about, it’s important to mention that many people believe you can only achieve results if you go to the gym every day. But there are other options available besides spending your hard-earned money on a costly gym membership. With a proper budget and generous amount of space, creating an at-home gym takes little time and effort to achieve. It all depends on what kind of workout space you wish to have. A basic at-home setup consists of:

  • A treadmill
  • Sets of dumbbells
  • Floor mats
  • An incline bench
  • A barbell and weights

Sometimes, an at-home setup can be just a TV and a lateral trainer, especially if you plan to focus mainly on calorie burning. Of course, you can adjust your gym to your liking. Browse our Top Fitness line of products based on what you wish to have in your home. Contact us today if you have any questions or would like to know more about our products. We’ll gladly help you achieve your fitness goals and dreams!

Myth #7: Soreness Means Efficiency

Experiencing soreness is common when it comes to finishing a challenging workout. You can feel this soreness for a few days to a week later. In some instances, soreness can be an indicator of how hard you worked and whether your exercise was efficient. However, do not base your overall success on this measurement. The soreness you feel is often from creating micro-trauma in your muscles, causing small breakdowns that are manageable for rebuilding and strengthening.

The burning sensation thought to come from lactic acid build-up is a metabolic process derived from getting energy by breaking down molecules. Some athletes never feel sore after a training session, yet they still improve in post. So, just because you didn't feel sore after training, that doesn't mean you didn’t work hard.

Myth #8: You Can Eat Anything

After coming home from a workout, your stomach is probably growling from all the physical activity. You worked hard, so you feel like rewarding yourself with a greasy burger and salty fries. Here is the issue—just because you worked out doesn’t give you the excuse to eat carelessly.

Track your macronutrients—carbohydrates, proteins, and fats—and adjust them based on your fitness goal. Of course, consulting a dietician or nutritionist is a wise decision if you are unsure of how to obtain proper nutrients. Becoming educated in what foods work for you based on your physical activity and lifestyle is vital for progression.

Fitness is an intimidating avenue for newbies. But don’t go in believing every piece of advice. Instead, do your research and find answers that work with your fitness goals. The more well-rounded you are with fitness, the more efficient your workouts become.

Common Fitness Myths You Should Know About

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